So i guess it’s time to run a pool and you will decide which mod will be updated first! Can we get at least 40 votes?:) If yes i definetly will try my best to update the winner in 3-4 weeks 🙂 You decide and you have 30 days and after winner will be decided…

RolikDevelopment will be evolving
Hey everyone it’s Rolik here and i have some great news for you. First off all i’m back and might return to modding fully once again as been testing some mods in 1.15 and might consider moving to 1.16 if possible. Currently developing a game and before new year will release a first game. First…
Where i have been all this time?
Hey everyone It’s Rolik here also known as Soulas. As you may noticed i’m not as active as before and not updating mods weekly or even daily. So let me explain some things and clear some questions up. I even heard rumors that most likely i died or i sold my website. Well first off…

Moving to
Hello this is Rolik or aka Soulas! I have some news as part of upgrade and redesign Rolikdevelopment will be moving into ModOasis. Thanks for 10 years of service! But it’s always time to upgrade and go higher! p.s will not only have my mods but everyone will able to upload their mod there…

RolikDevelopment is 10 years old!
Hello everyone it’s been a while! I like to say thank you for 10 years of awesomeness and now RolikDevelopment is back for business! It’s been a amazing journey with ups and downs and now i’m back and be on the lookout for more updates of my mods. Coming soon!

What’s coming next to RolikDevelopment in 2021?
Hello everyone it’s Rolik aka Soulas here! You may noticed that i was absent for long time.. Well first off all many things have happened in life starting from changing countries twice in 2020 and moving from Boston to Peterborough. When will minecraft mods comeback? I have not been updating or making mods for…