Well then this is something that you help you out!
MMSR adds in total 27(29) spiders to the game, and will make your adventures even more epic as these spiders will show you who is the boss, as also now there are more then 20 new types of jockeys and some new epic items!
Current Spiders:
Forest Spider(has 4 variations!)

Spider's Description:
Forest spider has 12 health points and deals up to 4 damage also has 6 armor points.
Main spiders attack is poison enemies on attack.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and apples.
Spider spawns in forests,taigas at night and has 30% of spawning.
Jungle Spider

Spider's Description:
Jungle spider has 16 health points and deals up to 5 damage also has 6 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is poison enemies on attack.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and melons.
Spider spawns in jungles at night and has 30% of spawning.
Desert Spider

Spider's Description:
Desert spider has 18 health points and deals up to 6 damage also has 3 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is casting hunger and nausea on attack.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes.
Spider spawns in deserts and beaches at night and has 30% of spawning.
Cactus Spider

Spider's Description:
Cactus spider has 16 health points and deals up to 6 damage also has 3 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is reflecting 110% damage to melee opponents.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes and string.
Spider spawns in desert at night and has 30% of spawning.
Nether Spider

Spider's Description:
Nether spider has 30 health points and deals up to 8 damage also has 6 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is setting enemies on fire and being resistant to any fire damage.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and nether warts.
Spider spawns in the nether and has 35% of spawning.
Ender Spider

Spider's Description:
Ender spider has 40 health points and deals up to 10 damage also has 6 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is teleportation.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and overworld.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and ender pearls.
Spider spawns in the end and in any biome in the overworld at night and has 30% of spawning.
Snow Spider

Spider's Description:
Snow spider has 32 health points and deals up to 6 damage also has 3 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is casting slowness and mining fatigue also leaving snow trail.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and snow balls.
Spider spawns in any cold biome at night and has 30% of spawning.
Swamp Spider

Spider's Description:
Swamp spider has 10 health points and deals up to 3 damage also has 2 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is casting hunger.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and any type of seeds.
Spider spawns in swamps and near rivers at night and has 30% of spawning.
Hill Spider

Spider's Description:
Hill spider has 20 health points and deals up to 3 damage also has 8 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is jumping on enemies head and bashing it.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and iron ingots.
Spider spawns in any hill type biomes at night and has 30% of spawning.
Hell Spider

Spider's Description:
Hell spider has 60 health points and deals up to 12 damage also has 10 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is setting opponents on fire and being resistant to any fire damage.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and blaze rods.
Spider spawns in the nether and has 20% of spawning.
Obsidian Spider

Spider's Description:
Obsidian spider has 128 health points and deals up to 12 damage also has 10 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is setting opponents on fire and being resistant to any fire damage and also stealing 5% of their life.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and nether.
On death spider can drop spider eyes and string.
Doesn't spawn yet.
Power Spider

Spider's Description:
Power spider has 1 health points and deals up to 1 damage also has 0 armor points.
Spider doesn't have any abillities yet.
Spider will attack anything that moves and anything that will be bigger then him.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Spider spawns in any biome at overworld when it's night time and has 40% of spawning.
Oak Spider(second variation of Forest Spider)

Spider's Description:
Oak spider has 6 health points and deals up to 2 damage also has 3 armor points.
Spider doesn't have any abillities yet.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Spider spawns in any oak forests and taigas at night and has 70% of spawning.
Birch Spider(third variation of Forest Spider)

Spider's Description:
Birch spider has 6 health points and deals up to 2 damage also has 2 armor points.
Spider doesn't have any abillities yet.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Spider spawns in any birch forests at night and has 70% of spawning.
Acacia Spider(fourth variation of Forest Spider)

Spider's Description:
Acacia spider has 6 health points and deals up to 2 damage also has 3 armor points.
Spider doesn't have any abillities yet.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Spider spawns in any acacia forests at night and has 70% of spawning.
Blaze Spider

Spider's Description:
Blaze spider has 26 health points and deals up to 3 damage also has 3 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is setting opponents on fire and being resistant to any fire damage also has abillity to float like blaze.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop blaze spider eyes and string.
Spider spawns in the nether and has 35% of spawning.
Slime Spider

Spider's Description:
Slime spider has 24 health points and deals up to 1 damage also has 1 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is spliting into double and triple spiders on death, also gets less health every split.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop slime spider eyes and string also slime balls.
Spider spawns in swamps and near rivers at night and has 40% of spawning.
Pumpkin Spider

Spider's Description:
Pumpkin spider has 18 health points and deals up to 3 damage also has 10 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is life stealing and 20% damage absorption.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and bones also pumpkin seeds.
Spider spawns in plains, taigas and roofed forest at night and has 40% of spawning.
Redstone Spider

Spider's Description:
Redstone spider has 24 health points and deals up to 5 damage also has 5 armor points.
Spider doesn't have any abillities yet.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes,string and also redstone.
Spider spawns in plains, taigas and roofed forest at night and has 40% of spawning.
Magma Spider

Spider's Description:
Magma spider has 1 health points and deals up to 1 damage also has 0 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is setting opponents on fire and being resistant to any fire damage.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop magma spider eyes and string.
Spider spawns in the nether and has 60% of spawning.
Vexus Spider

Spider's Description:
Vexus spider has 180 health points and deals up to 24 damage also has 25 armor points.
Spider has in total 7 abillities that it can use in combat:
1.Spawn spikes from the ground(can deal bonus damage).
2.Summoning Baby vex spiders that will deal up to 4 damage and will be able to fly, will die within certain amount of time.
4.Life Steal.
5.Resistance to any fire damage.
6.Flying and resistance to fall damage.
7.Will respawn on death and will become 1.5x stronger if will not be killed in time.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Doesn't spawn yet.
Little Vex Spider

Spider's Description:
Little Vex spider has 7 health points and deals up to 4 damage also has 0 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is flying in the air and passing thought walls like ghost.
Spider will attack anything that attacks Vexus Spider.
On death spider can drop nothing.
Spider spawns only when Vexus spider will summon them to aid him in battle.
Aquatic Spider

Spider's Description:
Aquatic spider has 36 health points and deals up to 3 damage also has 5 armor points.
Spider has 5 abillities that it will use in combat:
1.Blob Form(will use only in water) - Spider becomes 2x stronger and bigger.

2.Void Form(will use in the end only) - Spider becomes 2x stronger against any end mobs.

3.Blazing Form(will use only in the nether) - Spider becomes resistant to fire damage and deals 1.5x damage to mobs.

4.Extinguish Fire - Spider will automaticly extinguish any fire source and any objects
5.Original Form - When spider will return to normal form it will get 2x regeneration for 30 seconds
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and any mobs from nether and end.
On death spider can drop magma spider eyes and string.
Spider spawns near water in any biome in the overworld and has 40% of spawning.
Voodo Spider

Spider's Description:
Voodo spider has 4 health points and deals up to 1 damage also has 0 armor points.
Spider has 5 abillities that it will use in combat:
1.Binding - On first attack it will bind on to certain enemy and connect to it soul & body.
2.Transfer fire - If spider will be set on fire while it binded to someone, that mob/player will also burn.
3.Transfer buffs - If binded to someone, it will transfer to enemy bad buffs and get good potion buffs.
4.Death - If it has binded to someone it will take targets life:
1)Doesn't Effect Bosses.
2)Can take up to 125hearts while bound.
5.Unbound - If player or mob that is bound to this spider kills it in water it will remove bounding from the killer.
Spider doesn't attack anyone ,except when they will attack first.
On death spider can drop voodo spider eyes and string.
Spider spawns in any biome at overworld when it's night time and has 40% of spawning.
Mobs for 1.10.2 & 1.9.4 only!
Wither Spider

Spider's Description:
Wither spider has 24 health points and deals up to 4 damage also has 6 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is withering enemies and being resistant to any fire damage.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from overworld and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes and string also coal.
Spider spawns in the nether and has 30% of spawning.
Cold Spider

Spider's Description:
Cold spider has 32 health points and deals up to 4 damage also has 15 armor points.
Main spiders abillity is freezing enemies on attack and sometimes transforming water in to ice.
Spider will attack player,villagers, iron golems and spiders from nether and end.
On death spider can drop spider eyes and string also snowballs.
Spider spawns in any cold biomes in the overworld and has 20% of spawning.
Current Items:

1.Mob Agressor - can make any hostile mobs fight, except for ghasts!.
2.Voodo Spider's Eye - no uses or abillities yet, dropped by Voodo Spider.
3.Blaze Spider's Eye - no uses or abillities yet, dropped by Blaze Spider.
4.Slime Spider's Eye - no uses or abillities yet, dropped by Slime Spider.
5.Magma Spider's Eye - no uses or abillities yet, dropped by Magma Spider.
For Minecraft 1.8.9:
http://adf.ly/1kbInH - V0.4
For Minecraft 1.10.2:
http://adf.ly/1kbIrj - V0.6
http://adf.ly/1ksyh8 - V0.7
For Minecraft 1.11.2:
http://adf.ly/1kdsoE - V0.6
http://adf.ly/1kijBp - V0.7
http://adf.ly/1kqjq5 - V0.8
http://adf.ly/1kxmWh - V0.9
If you don't want to click on adfly link then you can download mod down below:
P.s these spiders can also spawn as a jockeys with some mobs, like creepers, zombies and much more!